iJAG Systems of Support

What’s the importance of iJAG’s middle school program model? A comprehensive support system filled with strategies that help youth remediate early onset academic challenges, get connected with community resources at a young age, and receive awareness about potential career paths! 

This year alone, iJAG has expanded into 20 middle schools throughout the state and we now serve a total of 900 youth. This number doubles when continuing to our 9th/10th grade programs. Exposure to iJAG in middle schools leads to higher engagement in school (decreased absences), increased likelihood to graduate (credits earned), and more employer/industry experiences to help fuel post-graduation transitions. For the latter, nearly 400 engagements with employers have occurred in our middle school and 9th/10th-grade programs, just halfway through the academic year!

Studies have shown that early exploration of careers creates opportunities for young people to gain exposure to high-demand occupations, which in turn leads to more informed choices of training and education after high school as well as overall increased levels of life satisfaction.*  iJAG is proud to bring more equity in student access to career opportunities with our partnering school districts.*